We truly had the best day ever in kindergarten. We covered several math, science, social studies, writing and reading standards with eggs, and plants today! Rather than a lengthy explanation I'll let the photos tell the story.
The kids stuffed bags with different materials to protect a raw egg from a long drop. Four of our six materials came from plants.We used a plant based dye (beets, blueberries and grape juice) to dye our plant based popsicle sticks
The kids check out our material bags after the drop to confirm their predictions of if an egg would survive the fall.
Mrs. Keach asks the kids what will happen to an egg left in vinegar and the kids find out what will spin best, a hard boiled or raw egg.
We dropped six bags of materials protecting the eggs. Note the sugar, beans, and fur on the floor from bags exploding on impact.
The best way to start off the experiment is with Humpty Dumpty.
After the real egg drop, the kids tucked different materials (legos, tissues, dinosaurs) in plastic eggs to see if the plastic egg would break open. It was constructive chaos!
The class LOVED watching the bags drop. It was more fun than Times Square on New Year's Eve.
The end result of our packages. There are broken shells in every bag but the sugar.
Making predictions for our experiment.
Counting out popsicle sticks. How many did we dye? How many did we leave natural? 130 were dyed, and 169 were left natural. One stick stayed out so we could use it to stir the dye.
On top of this, the kids finished writing their play AND earned all their marbles! We will be celebrating with pajama day on Monday, April 1. This truly was the best day ever.