
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reliving the Mayflower (and macaroni bracelets)

What a day to be in kindergarten!  We started our morning with making macaroni bracelets that had been dyed several lovely colors.  The kids made all sorts of patterns with their bracelets. We learned that the noodles made a fun popping sound when stepped on, so then the kids all pitched in to pick up the leftover "beads."

Then the class was ready to go back into time to recreate the trip the Pilgrims took on the Mayflower.  Yesterday we had read a letter from a child riding on the Mayflower. First the kids had to figure out how to board the turned-up-table-wrapped-with-brown-paper replica Mayflower.  Once all 14 students were loaded onto the "boat" they were served a meal of cold oatmeal and split peas (food we had read about the Pilgrims eating while on board the Mayflower).  Then a "storm" hit and cracked our "mast" and made leaks on our ship.  At this point the kids had to find a way to fix the leaks.  They used glue and scrap paper to patch the leaks, working together and testing the effectiveness of their patches.  Once the hard work of keeping the ship sea-worthy was complete the kids enjoyed a snack of cheese, another food the Pilgrims had with them aboard the ship.  When they finally reached Plymouth the class. was relieved to be off that crowded ship breathing fresh air.

I was very impressed with the group's cooperation while patching up the ship.  Everyone was looking to help one another.  They also assumed the role of the Pilgrims, when I asked if they should turn around and go back to England they replied, "NO!  We don't like the king, he won't let us worship the way we want."  They grumbled a bunch about how England hadn't been treating them fairly, and though the trip was unpleasant, it was better than living in England.  This was my first attempt to do an activity like this, and my kiddos showed me it's one that will happen again.

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