
Friday, June 7, 2013


We sorted dinosaurs by what they ate today.  Each child was given a dinosaur and asked to classify it as a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore.  Then we went into the gym to measure out the length of all our dinosaurs. Many dinosaurs were under 20 feet long, while one was 90 feet long.  We would switch dinosaurs and then go stand on the number of feet long our new dinosaur was.  After everyone was able to measure four dinosaurs we played TYRANNO-TAG.  I was the big bad carnivore Tyrannosaurs, and the kids were herbivores trying to run past me.  If they got tagged the had to be stationary carnivores trying to tag the other herbivores.  The kids had a load of fun and got some great exercise as they continued to learn that some dinosaurs ate other dinosaurs.  Have a great weekend.

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